Plymouth Rock 2016 Reunion

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   This Page last Updated November 07, 2016

2016 Reunion

Our 11th reunion was held in Pensacola, FL on September 28-October 1, 2016.  We had 25 people in attendance. 

Tom & Jackie Wagner Stekphen & Wanda Cummings Ervin & Rose Marie Pawlak Dennis & Joyce Cyr
Chuck & Linda Larkin Bill & Lyn Haynie Seeley & Bernadette Jennings Donald & Barbara Rhines
James & Cindy Freeman George Byrce David Rogers Gerald Guertin
David & Rhonda Dortch Roger & Ellen LaMay    

The following individuals were nomminated and elected as officers to the Association for
the years 2017-18

President - Tom Wagner; Vice President - Bill Haynie; Treasurer - David Dortch ;Secretary/Webmaster & Newsletter Editor - Bill Provencal; Reunion Coordinators - Bill Haynie and Shorty Cyr; Ships Storekeeper - Shorty Cyr; Ships Historian - George Bierce.

Tentative Reunion for 2018

Newport, Rhode Island some time around the week of  September 25 2018 if all goes well.

Recap of what occured: 

Joyce Cyr kept the minutes of the meeting in the absence of Bill Provencal who was hiking in Europe.  .  The hotel was great!  It was clean and well managed.  Personnel were kind and responded to anything we asked them.  Transportation was not a problem, but all personal vehicles were used.  We just doubled or tripled up in the vehicles.  Everybody did their own thing for meals or side trips.  The two trips we all took in were to the USS Alabama, Mobile Alabama and the US Navy Air Museum, Pensacola, FL.  Mobile was a 45/60 minute ride and the Air Museum was about 40 minutes.  I do think our members missed traveling together on a bus, but with the sparse number of attendees, we would have not been able to rent a bus.

Pictures from the 2016 Reunion

Not being able to attend the 2016 reunion, I had to rely on others to send me pictures.  The pictures I received were taken with an I Phone, I have not had a lot of luck inserting these pictures into a Website using HTML.  I will continue to work on this problem and try to solicit additional pictures.

Bill Provencal